Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Feng Shui War

See the pictures; in fact this is nothing new, other feng shui practitioners have commented on this issue in their books. Two buildings facing each other, one has installed a mirror and opposite building has a canon facing it. (The purpose is to blast the opposite building?) Is such practice required???

These examples are some practice by inexperience feng shui practitioners, which we don’t encourage. It defeats the purpose of implication of feng shui. Feng shui is formulated and developed to help man realize that his or her destiny can be further enhance, to attract good fortune, good health and enormous prosperity. It is not meant to create war among those who wish to apply this noble practice or to offend those who do not believe in it.

Many of my clients has consulted me regarding this matter, some even showed me photos they took when they come across such scenario, but due to most of the photos they captured were from private properties, I am not able to post them in this blog for readers to view, so I hope through this write up I am able to give you a clearer picture of the true purpose of the implication of the subject feng shui. For those out there who also has such experience I welcome you to share it with us, post us a photo and if any of such implication post to be a question or threat to you, we can help by giving you the explanation of it purpose or even perhaps a way to remedy if such practice is creating bad effects to your home.

This issue has also been discussed before, on one occasion my guest and client at my house who was a lawyer and a political figure today, pass this comment which I want to share with my readers, "Little Knowledge Is Dangerous Knowledge", do you agree!

I find this comment make sense, till the next write up on Feng Shui War, good day