Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Good Conduct Creates Destiny

This story was related to me through one of our client from Miri, Sarawak:

A Tibetan Lama was invited to give a talk on Dharma in Miri, Sarawak. It was attended by many followers. Of which, one of them is our client. During the talk, a man raised a question, “Is fengshui real? Or superstition?” The Lama was silent for a while, slowly but firmly he answered, “It is real, it exists, and it is effective, if you can afford a TRUE fengshui master”. There was a total silence. People started to talk among themselves. They thought what the Lama meant was, a good fengshui master comes with a high price tag.

Our client, disturbed by the answer, flew to Kuching and made an appointment to see me. When he related the whole incident to me and asked me what the Lama actually meant, I smiled. It simply means, “To afford a TRUE fengshui master, one has to have the destiny. To have such destiny, one must have good merits and virtues.”

He looked up at me, impressed and pleased to hear that. He then flew back home grateful for what he has gotten.

I simply have to share this story with you.
“When you are helping others, you are helping yourself.”

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Yang House Fengshui

Yang, in Chinese means light, energy, masculine or anything associated with movement, life etc. When we are talking about Yang fengshui, we are referring to the space where living people reside or work. To have a good fengshui at home (Yang), the father’s birth date and time will be used to locate the auspicious sectors and directions in the house using the fengshui chart. In cases where other family member is the breadwinner in the family, then it is his/her birth date and time which will be used instead.

Every second there will be new born into the world. Some babies are even born in the same year, month, day and even the same time (same Ba Zi) but would all these babies bear the same destiny?

Unlikely. This is because each child absorbs energy from their father which has different level of energy. For instance, you and your neighbour bought a brand new car at the same time, same batch, same model, same specifications. Years later do you think the cars' condition will still be the same?

Good fengshui at home creates wonders for the family members, especially when the environment is harmonized and it will attract good energy for everyone at home. Meaning, when the father (head of the family) absorbs the good chi in the house, his wife and children will also benefit and share the good luck and destiny.

Fengshui may sound complicated for some, but bear in mind it is all about being in harmony with the environment, it is all about yin and yang, power of repel and attraction and, it is scientifically proven with common sense.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


風水是數千年前古代人的一門學問, 它並非宗教迷信更不是玄學. 風水跟天文學及地理學有着密切的關係. 它也是古人的環境學, 講求陰陽協調, 五行相生, 二十四山水路和二十八宿的砂. 總而來說風水就是講究人類生活環境, 衣食住行與天時地利關係的一門學問.

自古有雲: 一命 二運 三風水 四書 五德

所謂, “先天不足後天補救”. 命, 運是上天所賜為先天, 而後天屬風水, 智慧及積德. 比方說, 某人出身于一個很貧窮的環境, 但他的生存意志力強,再加上後天風水的幫助,上進心以及品德那他的一生就會有所改進了.

風水學並不難了解. 簡單的說就在於人體環境是否能和生態環境取得相對的平衡. 其實, 風水也是很個人的. 其講究如何善用天地間源源不盡的能量, 為我們個人的生活加于改善.

比方說: 睡眠
人類利用睡眠來充電, 可是往往有些人需9個小時而有些只需6個小時. 為什麼?
因為, 睡的方向不能以氣的磁場(能量) 相生 “陰陽不協調”. 白天的活動, 使我們用盡身體的氣, 晚上又不能納氣所以變成虛. 相對的, 如果, 您睡的方向是於磁場相生, 那6小時的睡眠就已足夠補充您一天的能量, 來准備新一天的開始.

其實, 天地宇宙間存在着與每一個生命息息相關的能量, 並且透過不同的因素對每一個生命產生影響, 如人類, 動物, 花草樹木, 海水, 聲音, 色彩, 地磁, 震動… 等等. 這些天文, 地理, 化學, 物理, 生物的能量, 形成不同的生態環境, 無時無刻都在影響人類的心理, 生理以及事業, 家庭和命運. 如何運用智慧, 把這些影響我們的能量做有益的引導及轉化, 便是風水的學問所在.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Energy (Chi) – Is It Real?

Have you ever doubt the existence of energy (chi)? How it works and affects us? We are living on earth whereby soil bears minerals and we, human beings, benefit from the minerals for our daily living. For example, we plant crops which give us food and oxygen. Human waste such as carbon dioxide and feces are recycled to feed the plants and this living cycle goes endlessly. We need the minerals from earth to give us life and that is called chi. This is a natural process and hence we need to be in harmony with the energy surrounding us. There are many examples which we will share with our readers, especially on how chi can have a vital impact in our daily lives.

Are You Sleeping “Right”?

Some people still feel tired even though they have had a 9 hours sleep. In contrast, we see people who slept for 6 hours and yet wake up fresh and energized. This is because the latter sleeps with their bed position facing their auspicious directions. In the daytime, we used up the chi in our body to work, walk or play. When we sleep, our bodies then need to replenish the lost chi by reabsorbing the right chi to prepare us for a new day. Imagine if you are sleeping in one of your inauspicious directions, your lost chi cannot be replenished well and you are constantly losing more chi from your body. It causes chi depletion and ultimately, it is your health that is being compromised.

So, start sleeping in your auspicious directions now and feel the different chi flowing within you. When you are feeling good and healthy, you are feeling prosperous. And you WILL be prosperous.

Static – What is it due to? Chi?

Some of us may have experienced a sudden, acute static charge when we are in close contact with a person, metal like door knob, car etc. This discharging is unpleasant and, why are we feeling it?

It’s chi again. As each of us are filled with different level of chi, it either harmonizes or repels with another person’s chi. When the chi in your body is imbalance, it is more likely to repel the chi from another person. That is when you get “electrocuted”.

This is not a good indication of your health, especially if you are experiencing it frequently. Check your sleeping direction.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Can Wealth Last For More Than 3 Generation???

This is one question which is most often asked.
The answer is the difference of the Yin and Yang group. For example, during your grandparents' time, they were very successful in their business, as their home and working quarters were facing their auspicious position. When your father (happen to be in the same group as his father) took over the business when they retired, he prospers too. What if later you, who do not belong to the same group, took over the family business? Because you do not belong to the same group, your personal energy or “chi” repels the “chi” around you. You’ll find that you don’t feel comfortable at your working environment, you cannot concentrate and you face obstacles one after another in the things you do. At the end of the day your performance lapse so if this continue your business will collapse. Sounds familiar???

In “Feng Shui” there are Yin (negative) and Yang (positive) group. The Yin group refers to people born or belong to the West group. Their auspicious facing is West, Northwest, Southwest and Northeast. The Yang group refers to people born or belong to the East group. Their auspicious facing is East, North, South and Southeast. You need to use your birth date to find out which group you belong to. It is important to know which group you belong to as it creates strong effects on human lives.


So much have been heard about the subject “Feng Shui” and with books on the subject easily obtained from any bookstore, I believe many people today are aware or have an understanding on the application of Feng Shui in their daily lives. Feng Shui or Chinese Geomancy is an art widely practice in today’s society but how it works, how it begin, could still be a question to some.

The practice of Feng Shui is not a religious taboo or superstition. It has scientific value and is closely connected to the development of a building or a house. Feng Shui is known as environmental study in the olden days and practicing Feng Shui masters of those days are called environmentalist. With the correct application of Feng Shui, one can improve their living standards and be in harmony with nature and its energy flow.

We have consulted in many countries such as USA, UK, Australia, Japan etc. Feng Shui talks are also organized from time to time as well as study tours for practicing architects, interior designers and students.

Here, in our page, we will share with readers, our experience with clients as well as on site Feng Shui review. Through, our write up, I hope to guide you to a better understanding on the application on Feng Shui & the cause and effects of the application. I believe some answers could be found here too, so happy reading.

Master Kueh K.K
since 1986